How to reset your password

Follow these steps to reset your password to The Huddle.

If you're an existing member, head to the sign-in page, and click on the Forgot Password link in the bottom of the pane.

The Reset Your Password window will pop-up on your screen.

Enter the email address you created your account with and press Send Password Reset Email button.

Check your email inbox for the unique Reset Code.

Enter the Reset Code into the the window as seen in step 2 below. Then enter a new password, and confirm it again.

Press the Reset Password button. The pop-up will disappear and you will see a green "Password Saved" confirmation, and be returned to the sign-in page again.

Now use your exisiting email and new password details to login.

Note: if you click off the pop-up window, it will disappear. To reopen it, just click on the Forgot Password link again and the pop-up will reappear exactly as you left it.

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